lovelydrinks website example is a, well, lovely example of an ecommerce food and drinks website on the Shopwired platform. – The Facts

SectorFood and Drink

3 Things we Love about

Lovely Drinks pitches itself is it self as a premium soft drink brand. Does the website have a premium feel? I’m not sure about that, but I think it looks genuinely lovely, it’s easy to use and positions the products well.

Here are three things that we love about this online store.

1. The Blog

lovelydrinks blog

I’ve said it before – I am a sucker for a really good business blog. There are way too many businesses out there blogging just for the sake of it and the content is, frankly, pointless. But that is not the case here. Lovely blogs recipes that pair well with its drinks and other types of content that I feel would align well with their target buyer.

It’s fair to say they don’t blog very often. At the time of writing this in January 2022, the last post is February 2021. So the posting is infrequent to say the least but the quality of the content is excellent, the relevance is on point and the content is also timeless. So although the most recent post at the time of writing (vegan granola recipe) was written almost a year ago, it is no less useful today.

2. The Images

We saw it on the blog and we see it on other pages on the website too – the imagery is thoroughly lovely (using that word a lot, aren’t we?).

These are on the “about” page.

lovely drinks images

The only thing I would say is that I wish images like this featured on product pages.

3. The About Page in General

I mentioned the imagery on the about page. But actually, I love the whole page. It’s very personal, tells the back story of the business and the language is really conversational.

It’s a refreshing contrast to some dry “about,” pages!

Other examples

Want to see more food and drink ecommerce sites? Check our other examples in this sector here.



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